Friday, March 8, 2013

My First Pullip Doll!

Sasha and I have been wanting a Pullip Doll for some time now. I have looked them up online and when I saw this one on sale I had to get her! 
She came with three complete outfits. My favorite is her yellow sundress.
I always wondered how their eyes move. They have a lever on the back of their head that will move their eyes from side to side.
Plus two little buttons that will make each eye wink...
Or close completely...
I fear I may have a new addiction! Now I need to crochet her some cute little hats and cowls!

Do you know of any cool sites to shop for Blythe and Pullip Dolls and accessories? Or any cool tutorials for customizing your dolls? Feel free to share your links in the comments :)


  1. Its really superb, very nice doll. I love your blog and just ordered this awesome Pullip Doll at PIJ. I am really happy to find this excellent blog here. I also hope I will get this in a week.


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