sc-single crochet
hdc-half double crochet
hdc2tog-half double crochet two together
fo-fasten off
2.5mm crochet hook
8mm safety eyes
Red Heart comfort yarn in shade Art (green), Red Heart super saver yarn in yellow, blue, purple, red, grey, brown, light brown and white
1.25mm hook and red embroidery thread to make the pepperoni
**Special note: I used just the one turtle pattern below to make all four turtles**
Rnd1: Starting at the top of your turtles head with green yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rnd2: Inc x 6 (12)
Rnd3: Inc x 12 (24)
Rnd4: Sc x 24 (24)
Rnd5: [Sc, inc] x 12 (36)
Rnd6-11: Sc x 36 (36)
Rnd12: Sc x 3, [sc x 8, dec] x 3, sc x 3 (33)
Rnd13: You will be inserting the safety eyes in this round. sc x 11, place a safety eye in the stitch you just did or a stitch marker so you can go back and insert the eye later, sc x 7, place a safety eye in the last stitch you just did, sc x 15 (33)
Rnd14: Sc x 5, inc x 3, sc x 11, inc x 3, sc x 11 (39)
Rnd15: Sc x 7, inc x 3, sc x 13, inc x 3, sc x 13 (45)
Rnd16-17: Sc x 45 (45)
Rnd18: Sc x 8, dec, sc x 2, dec, sc x 15, dec, sc x 2, dec, sc x 10 (41)
Rnd19-22: Sc x 41 (41)
Rnd23: Sc, dec x 20 (21)
Rnd24: Sc, dec x 10 (11)
Rnd25: Stuff head firmly, sc, dec x 5 (6)
Rnd26: Dec x 3, fo (3)
Rnd1: Starting at the neck with green yarn ch x 24 and join (24)
Rnd2-5: Sc x 24 (24)
Rnd6: [Sc x 3, inc] x 6 (30)
Rnd7-9: Sc x 30 (30)
Rnd10: Sc x 5, inc x 5, sc x 9, inc x 5, sc x 6 (40)
Rnd11-13: Sc x 40 (40)
Rnd14: Sc x 9, dec, sc x 2, dec, sc x 12, dec, sc x 2, dec, sc x 7 (36)
Rnd15-18: Scx 36 (36)
Rnd19: You will now be starting the first leg, sc, skip 18 stitches, sc x 17 (18)
Rnd20-23: Sc x 18 (18)
Rnd24: [Sc x 4, dec] x 3 (15)
Rnd25-32: Sc x 15 (15)
Rnd33: You will now be starting the calf, sc x 13, inc x 2 (17)
Rnd34: Inc x 2, sc x 15 (19)
Rnd35-39: Sc x 19 (19)
Rnd40: [Sc, dec] x 2, sc x 11, dec (16)
Rnd41: Dec, sc x 14 (15)
Rnd42-44: Sc x 15, fo (15)
Toe/Foot (make 2 toes per leg)
Rnd1: With green yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rnd2: [Inc, sc x 2] x 2 (8)
Rnd3-5: Sc x 8 (8)
Rnd6: Inc, sc x 7, fo (9)
**Please note, DO NOT fo when you are working on the second toe. Continue onto Rnd7 below**
Rnd7: Now you have both toes made and you will now continue on to making your foot. Hold both toes together and sc around both toes x 18 (18)
Rnd8: Sc x 18 (18)
Rnd9: Sc [sc, dec] x 5, sc x 2 (13)
Rnd10-13: Sc x 13 (13)
Rnd14: Sc, dec x 6 (7)
Rnd15: Stuff your foot firmly, now dec x 3, fo (3)
**Repeat for the second foot**
Second Leg
Rnd1: With the back of your doll facing you upside down sc in the first stitch to the left of the first leg, sc x 17 (18)
Rnd2-3: Sc x 18 (18)
Rnd4: [Sc x 4, dec] x 3 (15)
Rnd5-14: Sc x 15 (15)
Rnd15: Sc x 5, inc x 4, sc x 6 (19)
Rnd16-20: Sc x 19 (19)
Rnd21: Sc x 6, dec x 3, sc x 7 (16)
Rnd22: Sc x 6, dec, sc x 8 (15)
Rnd23-26: Sc x 15, fo at the end of Rnd26 (15)
Finger/Arm (make 2 per arm)
Rnd1: With green yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rnd2: Inc, sc x 5 (7)
Rnd3: Sc x 7 (7)
Rnd4: Dec, sc x 5 (6)
Rnd5: Sc x 6, fo (6)
**Please note, DO NOT fo when you are working on the second finger. Continue onto Rnd6 below**
Rnd6: Hold both fingers together and sc around both of them x 12 (12)
Rnd7-9: Sc x 12 (12)
Rnd10: [Sc x 2, dec] x 3 (9)
Rnd11-19: Sc x 9 (9)
Rnd20: Sc, [sc x 3, inc] x 2 (11)
Rnd21-24: Sc x 11 (11)
Rnd25: Sc, [sc x 3, dec] x 2 (9)
Rnd26-27: Sc x 9, fo at the end of Rnd27 (9)
Thumb (make 2)
Rnd1: With green yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rnd2-4: Sc x 6, fo at the end of Rnd4 (6)
Front Of Turtle Shell
Row1: With yellow yarn ch x 10 (10)
Row2: Turn, ch, sc x 9 (9)
Row3: Turn, ch, inc, sc x 7, inc (11)
Row4: Turn, ch, sc x 11 (11)
Row5: Turn, ch, inc, sc x 9, inc (13)
Row6-10: Turn, ch, sc x 13 (13)
Row11: Turn, ch, dec, sc x 9, dec (11)
Row12-16: Turn, ch, sc x 11 (11)
Row17: Turn, ch, dec, sc x 7, dec (9)
Row18: Turn, ch, dec, sc x 5, dec (7)
Rnd19: Do not turn, sc around the entire piece, fo
Back Of Turtle Shell
Row1-18: With brown yarn work the same as the front of your turtle shell. Place a stitch marker in the last stitch of Row18
Rnd19: Do not turn, sc around the entire piece to the stitch before the stitch marker x 50 (50)
Rnd20-21: Sc x 51, fo at the end of Rnd21 (51)
Row1: With the colour yarn of your choice ch x 30 (30)
Row2: Turn, sc x 29 (29)
Row3: Turn, ch, sc x 9, ch x 7, skip 3 stitches, sc x 5, ch x 7, skip 3 stitches, sc x 9 (37)
Row4: Turn, ch, sc x 9, sc x 7 in ch7 space, sc x 5, sc x 7 in ch7 space, sc x 9, fo (37)
Elbow Wrap (make 2)
Row1: With the colour yarn of your choice ch x 14 (14)
Row2 Turn, sc x 13, fo (13)
Wrist Wrap (make 2)
Row1: With the colour yarn if your choice ch x 17 (17)
Row2: Turn, sc x 16, fo (16)
Knee Wrap (make 2)
Row1: With the colour yarn of your choice chx 23 (23)
Row2: Turn, sc x 22, fo (22)
Stomach Belt
Row1: With light brown yarn ch x 52 (52)
Row2: Turn, sc x 51, fo (51)
Shoulder Strap For Belt
Row1: With light brown yarn ch x 38, fo (38)
Belt Buckle
Rnd1: With white yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rnd2: Inc x 6, fo (12)
Rnd1: With brown yarn sc x 5 in an adjustable ring (5)
Rnd2-34: Sc x 5, fo at the end of Rnd34 (5)
Nunchuk (make 2)
Rnd1: With grey yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rnd2: [Inc, sc] x 3 (9)
Rnd3: Sc in back loop x 9 (9)
Rnd4: Sc x 3, dec, sc x 4 (8)
Rnd5-14: Sc x 8, fo at the end of Rnd14 (8)
End Of Nunchuk (make 2)
Rnd1: With grey yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring, fo (6)
Chain On Nunchuk (male 2)
Row1: With grey yarn ch x 17, fo (17)
Sword (make 2)
Rnd1: With grey yarn sc x 5 in an adjustable ring (5)
Rnd2-6: Sc x 5 (5)
Rnd7: Inc, sc x 4 (6)
Rnd8-13: Sc x 6 (6)
Rnd14: Inc, sc x 5 (7)
Rnd15: Sc x 7 (7)
Rnd16: Sc x 3, inc, sc x 3 (8)
Rnd17-27: Sc x 8 (8)
Rnd28: [Sc x 3,inc] x 2 (10)
Rnd29: Sc x 10 (10)
Rnd30: Change to brown yarn and sc x 10 (10)
Rnd31: [Inc, sc x 4] x 2 (12)
Rnd32-34: Sc x 12 (12)
Rnd35: Dec, sc x 10 (11)
Rnd36: Dec, sc x 9, fo (10)
Bottom Of Sword
Rnd1: With brown yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rnd2: [Inc, sc ] x 2, fo (8)
Trim On Sword
Row1: With brown yarn ch x 13 (13)
Row2: Turn, sc x 12 (12)
Row3: Turn, ch, sc x 12, fo (12)
Sais (large, middle prong)
Rnd1: Starting with the middle prong with grey yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rnd2: Inc, sc x 5 (7)
Rnd3-12: Sc x 7, fo at the end of Rnd12 (7)
Sais (little prong, make two per sais)
Rnd1: With grey yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rnd2-6: Sc x 6, fo at the end of Rnd6 on the first prong ONLY (6)
****Please note, DO NOT fo when you are working on the second prong. Continue onto Rnd7 below**
Rnd7: Hold all three prongs together and sc around all three x 15 (15)
Rnd8: Sc x 15 (15)
Rnd9: Change to brown yarn and [sc x 3, dec] x 3 (12)
Rnd10: Sc x 12 (12)
Rnd11: [Sc, dec] x 4 (8)
Rnd12-14: Sc x 8, fo at the end of Rnd14 (8)
Bottom Of Sais
Rnd1: With brown yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring, fo (6)
Trim On The Sais
Row1: With brown yarn ch x 14 (14)
Row2: Turn, sc x 13, fo (13)
Pizza Crust
Rnd1: With light brown yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rnd2: Inc x 6 (12)
Rnd3: [Sc, inc] x 6 (18)
Rnd4: [Inc, sc] x 9 (27)
Rnd5: Sc x 27 (27)
Rnd6: [Sc x 2, inc] x 9 (36)
Rnd7: [Sc, inc] x 18 (54)
Rnd8: Sc x 54 (54)
Rnd9: Sc in back loop x 54 (54)
Rnd10: [Sc x 4, inc] x 10, sc x 3, inc (65)
Rnd11: Sc x 65, fo (65)
Rnd1: With yellow yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rnd2: Inc x 6 (12)
Rnd3: [Sc, inc] x 6 (18)
Rnd4: [Sc, inc, sc] x 6 (24)
Rnd5: [Sc x 3, in] x 6 (30)
Rnd6: [ Sc x 4, inc] x 6, fo (36)
Pepperoni (small pieces)
Rnd1: With a 1.25mm corchet hook and embroidery thread sc x 6 in an adjustable ring, fo (6)
Pepperoni (large pieces)
Rnd1: Work the same as the small pepperoni slice
Rnd2: Inc x 6, fo (12)
Pizza Box
Row1: With grey yarn ch x 23 (23)
Row2: Turn, hdc x 22 (22)
Row3-15: Turn, ch, hdc x 22, place a stitch marker in the last stitch of Row15 (22)
Rnd16: Do not turn, sc around the entire piece to the stitch before the stitch marker x 80 (80)
Rnd17: Do this entire round in the back loops, hdc x 10, hdc2tog, hdc x 12, hdc2tog, hdc x 12, hdc2tog, hdc x 10, hdc2tog, hdc x 15, hdc2tog, hdc x 6, hdc2tog, hdc x 3 (74)
Rnd18: Hdc x 74 (74)
Row19: Now you will be starting the lid, hdc, turn, ch, hdc in front loop x 17 (18)
Row20-31: Turn, ch, hdc x 17, fo at the end of Row31 (17)
Trim on the pizza box lid
Rnd1: Now insert your hook into one corner of the top of the pizza box and sc around the entire lid of the pizza box x 55(55)
Rnd2: Sc in front loop x 55 (55)
Rnd3-4: Sc x 55, fo at the end of Rnd4 (55)
Circle On The Front Of The Pizza Box
Rnd1: With white yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rnd2: Inc x 6 (12)
Rnd3: [Inc, sc] x 6 (18)
Rnd4: [Sc x 2, inc] x 6 (24)
Rnd5: [Sc x 3, inc] x 6 (30)
Rnd6: [Sc x 2, inc, sc x 2] x 6 (36)
Rnd7: Sc x 3, [sc x 2, inc] x 10, sc x 3, fo (46)
For the turtle Stuff the body then sew the head onto the body. Sew on the feet and arms. Sew on the front and back turtle shell, and the belt and shoulder strap. Sew on the ankle, wrist and knee wraps. Embroider on eyebrows and a mouth. For the accessories sew on the bottoms, trims and handles. For the pizza sew the pepperoni onto the cheese, sew the cheese onto the crust. Sew on black lines to make the slices. Sew the word "pizza" onto the white circle, then sew the circle onto the lid of your pizza box.
Me encantan!
ReplyDeleteWow they are awesome, thanks for the pattern
ReplyDeleteOut of curiosity how tall are the turtles approximately? They look great...too bad I didn't have this pattern back in December I like it way better than the one I used for my nephew Christmas present I made him.
ReplyDeleteHello Tierni,
DeleteI checked my notes and they are about 13 inches tall.
same here , I wish I had this pattern back in Dec.
DeleteI just measured mine mine is about 11.5 inches long did I do something wrong it still looks the same but a little smaller
DeleteJust means you have a tighter tension, not that you did anything wrong.
DeleteAwesome, fantastic job and thanks for the pattern😊
ReplyDeleteAwesome!! Thank you for the pattern
ReplyDeleteThese are amazing! One quick question - do you allow people to sell things made from your patterns? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHello Emily,
DeleteYes, it is okay to sell items made from my patterns for things like craft sales or Etsy :)
These are fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing all of your hard work. :)
ReplyDeleteLove the turtles they are beautiful. When can we expect "Spliter's" Pattern. would like to finish all for a present.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this pattern! Our 2 1/2 year old grandson loves ninja turtles and I will make him these.
ReplyDeletethanks for the pattern ^^
ReplyDeleteHas anyone told you that you are amazing! Because you are. thanks for the pattern.
ReplyDeletehaha, thank you! And I hope you enjoyed the pattern :)
DeleteThank you for the patern my sister is having me make them for a present!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the patern my sister is having me make them for a present!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm having trouble here.... The body from neck to leg is 18 rows, but the front of shell is 19 rows... Is that right? Your bodies look longer than mine... What am I missing? Help!
ReplyDeleteHello Laura, are you still needing help with this pattern? Sorry about the late reply! :)
DeleteI'm having trouble here.... The body from neck to leg is 18 rows, but the front of shell is 19 rows... Is that right? Your bodies look longer than mine... What am I missing? Help!
ReplyDeleteHello Laura, are you still having problems with the turtle pattern?I would be happy to try and help.
Deletei have the same problem here :(
Deletesame problem! :(
DeleteDid you finish Splinter? Im very interested in making the whole squad. Your work is amazing and very easy to follow.
ReplyDeleteI did! You can find my splinter pattern right here :)
Yay! Thank you so much! These are truly amazing!
DeleteTake a look at this page to explore various tips for parents on how to become ultimate parent.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, these are fantastic! Thank you for the pattern, I have 4 grandsons that will love these guys.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much :)
ReplyDeleteI'm confused... Hire for I attach the feet to the leg? I'm missing the first leg instructions??
ReplyDeletebody row 19
DeleteHello, are you still needing help with the leg and foot?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to make a turtle for my nephew's birthday in April and I'm encountering difficulties. I'm confused on the body and shell. I've made the body 4 times (and pulled it all out each time) and my shell front is longer than the body every the equivalent of 3 rows longer. Am I doing something wrong? Also, exactly how did you sew on the arms? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteHello Aimee! The shell will be a bit longer, until you have it partially sewn on and then you stuff it and it will stick out from the body. So it might look a little off a first but it should workout where the shell covers most of the back when sewn in place. If you have anymore questions just let me know :)
DeleteHiya! Do I need to stuff the front & back of the shell? Also do I need to add lines onto the front & back of the shell? Many thanks ��
ReplyDeleteSo excited to make these turtles for my husband! I think orange is missing on the list of yarn?
ReplyDeleteit is I notice that as well and some of the rows seem to be a bit off as I went through the pattern
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIs there an error with the cheese part of the pattern? As it's massively smaller than the crust?
ReplyDeleteAlso I put straws inside the weapons then stuffed the straw. Makes it much more hard wearing.
Are your patterns available in PDF?
ReplyDeleteI measured mine its about 11.5 to 12 inches long
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm having trouble with the second leg!:( Am I supposed to be crocheting backwards? Because the direction is awkward for me. IDon't knowknow what im doing wrong.
ReplyDeleteWhere is Rnd 2-4 in the beginning of the pattern or am I missing something?
ReplyDeleteThank you for your help.
Hi there I'm having alot of trouble finding the right colour green. I've been looking on different sites and I'm unable to find shade colour 'Art'. Can someone help please? Many thanks
ReplyDeleteI just use what I had which was spring green from red heart and it looks great its all about how u like it mostly
DeleteEinstein used his brain power for studying, observing, and learning. The result was that he made a difference in academics. The Grit Ninja
ReplyDeleteThank you ,Thank you my kid is going to love them
ReplyDeleteI don't understand round 12 of the head, why some stitches are in brackets?
ReplyDeleteIt is typical for the male turtle to charge the female turtle when it is about to mount and start mating with her. The male may also make sounds, such as groaning or hissing. softshell turtles
ReplyDeleteSo cool! I am about to order the yarn for this lovely project and I wasxwondering if 50g/1.75oz (105m/115yds) of green would be enought. Thank you 😊
ReplyDeleteHello I'm having trouble with the toes and foot
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Is the face mask suppose to reach all the way around the head ? Also in the pictures it looks like there is strings on the mask that's not in the pattern
ReplyDeleteI'm having trouble with the first leg when I do the body part it looks great but when the pattern tells me to work on the first leg it doesnt even look like a leg am I doing something wrong ? Please help
ReplyDeleteWhen I get finished it just looks like the body theres no legs or no calves
ReplyDeleteI am making these for a friend and do not understand why mine look a lot different, your front shell and body are not the same size, the pattern as is written leaves the body super short and my head is shaped differently than yours and I'm following the pattern to a T?
ReplyDeleteHaving trouble with the first leg part of the pattern. Can you clarify the instructions please?
ReplyDeleteLove your pattern, Jackie. Thank so much for your sharing your talent and hard work!
ReplyDeleteHi Jackie! I was wondering what I need to do for the back of the mask, the strings. And did you sew the weapons onto the hands or use something to hold it that’ll make it removalable? (ie: Velcro or magnets)
ReplyDeleteThis is great, That's a great website, it really is what I was looking for, thank you for sharing!
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ReplyDeleteAmazing patterns. All the turtles patterns looks cute. You have done an excellent work. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post. Keep sharing more like this. Abogado Conducción Imprudente Mecklenburg VA
ReplyDeleteHi, but on row 23 of the head im not getting 20 sc, dec im counting 13 total
ReplyDeleteDon't know if anyone has pointed this out or noticed or if you care, but this pattern is available for purchase on etsy. Exact copy of everything including pictures. I only discovered it as a friend gave me a copy of the pattern she bought on etsy and in trying to find more info on how to put the turtles together (there seems to be lots of omissions) or even photos of what the rear view of the turtles looks like, I found multiple etsy sellers and this blog. I still haven't found a rear view and only because of comments did I discover that you're supposed to stuff the back shell.
ReplyDeleteI made three Leonardo dolls based off of this pattern. It's a great start for a free pattern (thank you!), but as other commenters have pointed out, the proportions of the dolls and accessories are off. If you follow the pattern exactly, don't expect it to look anything like the finished product pictures on this page. They're still adorable, and the pattern will get you close, but here are a few tweaks that I made to help adjust the proportions: For the head, I decreased the height by two rounds (cutting out rounds 6 and 7). The body I left as written. For both the front and back shells, I chained 8 instead of 10 in the staring row, and then adjusted the length of the following rows accordingly. I also cut rows 6 and 7, and rows 12 and 13 to bring the height down a bit. I also did not stuff shells, as others did. With the smaller size of the shells, they laid nicely flat on the doll. Finally, I only made the Leonardo (sword) accessories, and pizza, but those sizes were also off. The swords as written are VERY long. I shorted them by 9 full rounds, cutting rounds 5, 6, 12, 13, and 17-21. I also added a chain of 10 in brown yarn to create a hook so you can attach the swords to the hands of the doll. Pizza, same deal, the crust is huge as written, but the cheese is small. I followed the written crust pattern, and then followed the same pattern for the cheese in yellow, but stopped short once the cheese reached the size I wanted (for me this was around round 10). All that to say, don't let the tweaks discourage you - this is a super cute and easy to follow pattern. Just expect to put your own twist on it to get it the way you want it!
ReplyDeletecan you tell me how to do the toes. I do not understand the directions. How do you crochet them and how do you crochet them together. Also where are the directions for the 1st leg
DeleteAmazing, Your blogs are really good and informative. I got a lots of useful information in your blogs. I also did not stuff shells, as others did. With the smaller size of the shells, they laid nicely flat on the doll. Finally, I only made the Leonardo (sword) accessories, and pizza, but those sizes were also off a dispute over a contract between. It is very great and useful to all. Keeps sharing more useful blogs...
ReplyDeleteI do not understand how you do the increases. This pattern is stated very differently from any other pattern I have used. I figured out the first decrease, but am on the head round 14 and cannot figure the increases.
ReplyDeleteI do not understand how to do the toes. The directions are very vague and confusing. do you join on the first 6 crochet or will it be more flat. how do you crochet the toes together. Also where are the directions for the first leg.
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